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Home Remedies for Halitosis


How to Treat Halitosis With Natural Remedies

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Step 1 Eat an apple a day. It gets rid of bacteria buildup in your mouth. Step 2 Consume vitamin C rich foods, like oranges, which can help you avoid halitosis. Step 3 Eat plain yogurt for a READ MORE

Home Remedies for Halitosis

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Halitosis, or bad breath, can be a debilitating problem. Having halitosis can cause not only your social life to suffer, but can also affect you getting and keeping jobs. Halitosis can even affect you READ MORE

Halitosis Home Remedies

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The Following are the various halitosis home remedies. The use of fenugreek (methi) has proved most effective among all the home remedies for halitosis. A tea made from the seeds of the vegetables READ MORE

Safe Natural Home Remedy for Halitosis

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Researches show that halitosis is mainly seen in persons who don’t maintain a healthy oral hygiene. So the best home remedy for halitosis is to maintain healthy teeth and healthy gums with no caviti READ MORE

Home Remedy for Halitosis

Votes:18 Comments:0
The simplest and the most effective home remedy to cure halitosis would be to take fenugreek tea. Make a tea using fenugreek seeds. Intake this tea regularly. Chewing raw green guava is helpful in READ MORE

Halitosis home remedies and natural cures

Votes:15 Comments:0
Halitosis treatment using Fenugreek Among the several home remedies for halitosis, the use of fenugreek has proved most effective. A tea made from the seeds of this vegetable should be taken regularl READ MORE
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