What are Some Causes of Rashes?
A rash appearing anywhere on the skin is the body’s way of telling us that something is wrong. The rash may take many forms. It may appear as a cluster of red dots or as a large patch covering the skin. The rash can be sore, itchy, or stinging, or have no pain at all. Rashes come in all shapes and sizes, and there are as many causes as there are different rashes.
Rashes can also occur anywhere on the body. Very common areas are the face, arms and back. They can also appear in the genital area, on the scalp under the hair, and across the torso. Headaches and an unspecified feeling of illness may accompany the rash.
One of the main causes of rashes are common allergies. Many people are affected with numerous allergies. They can be food related or they may simply be triggered by sitting too close to a household pet. The allergy may run throughout the body’s system and show itself as an eruption on the skin.
Rashes may also be set off by something that you have touched. Many different plants can cause a rash to appear on the skin. The Poison Ivy plant is well known for covering the body in rashes. Many common household detergents may cause rashes simply by exposing the skin to them.
The types of allergies suffered by people today are diverse. Modern conditions such as air pollution and the chemicals that are present in fragrances, sunscreens, hair products, and cosmetics can all bring on allergies. Rashes can also appear due to the body’s intolerance to certain fabrics.
Recently, a new condition called latex allergy has appeared. People who are allergic to latex can have serious problems if they have to go into surgery. Rashes can appear on open wounds or body parts on which the surgeon is operating due to an allergic reaction to the latex gloves worn by the surgeon.
Rashes may also appear as a symptom of infection. This may be a common infection such as chicken pox, athlete’s foot, or yeast infection. Viral infections can also cause rashes, as can sexually transmitted diseases.
The body may also become infected with some type of parasite. If the body becomes infected with worms or scabies, then a rash will usually appear. Theses types of rashes can be incredibly itchy, and scratching will only make the rash worse. Scratching will also trap the parasite under the nail. If the nails are then placed in the mouth, the parasite will re-infect the body and the cycle will repeat itself.
Some rashes are incredibly difficult for a doctor to diagnose. A full history of the sufferer’s lifestyle must often be taken into account. Skin tests may also be necessary in order to diagnose allergic reactions.
The treatment available for a rash is varied. Many rashes can be treated with creams such as cortisone, provided they are not infected. If the rash continues, then it may be a symptom of something more serious.