Vitamins for kidney infection symptoms
Vitamins for kidney infection symptoms

-B vitamins-

-vitamin c-

-vitamin E-

Extra minerals needed for the kidneys




Here are some herbs that can be found in combinations that are great for kidney infection symptoms and urinary tract infections.

-cornsilk- a diuretic. Can be used with high blood pressure and diabetes.

-parsley-keeps the body from reabsorbing salt, which makes it a diuretic.

-uva rusi leaf-diuretic and disinfectant. Used to treat nephritis, kidney stones, and chronic cystitis also.

-cleavers-mild antibiotic affect. Helps with inflammation and irritation. Also good for high blood pressure.

-buchu leaf-increases the fluids and solids of the urine. Will cause an odor in the urine.

-juniper berry-helps purify the blood and filter out the waste. Helps normalize blood pressure. Do not use more than the suggested dose. The result could be kidney irritation.

-kelp-helps replace nutrients and electrolytes.

-cayenne-same as kelp.

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