Using Aromatherapy For Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Aromatherapy has been used for many years to try and alleviate the symptoms of many illnesses. It has been used to treat panic attacks too. As mentioned above, the triggers which usually initiate a panic attack are stress and worry. Both of these can be helped successfully by using aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy is an all natural approach to treating several conditions. It can help relieve the stressful feelings which may start an attack, and in doing so averting a full blown panic attack. Practicing aromatherapy as a natural treatment is not difficult. Certain types of essential oils are mixed with a good quality vegetable oil, and used in a variety of ways for treatment.
The infused oil can be used as massage oil, bath oil or even as compresses to help bring relief of the symptoms of a anxiety attack. One of the more popular essential oils recommended for the relief of stress is Lavender. You can even put six drops of Lavender oil into a cup of water and use it in a spry bottle as a room freshener, to get all day aromatherapy.
In conclusion, aromatherapy cannot be underestimated as a treatment to relieve the triggers that eventually could lead to anxiety or panic attacks