Toothache And Homeopathy - Homeopathic Medicines You Can Use Yourself
So what can you do when you have toothache and are in need of a dental procedure? This is where homeopathy can help out. It is a highly effective treatment for inflammation and pain so it is often used post operatively. When we have dental procedures such as a tooth extraction or a root canal treatment, Homeopathy really comes into its own. Read on to find out what my recommendations are for homeopathic relief from dental problems and procedures.
Toothache : Spasmodic pain associated with toothache:Take Mag Phos 6X tissue salts one tablet 4 times a day or Mag Phos 30 5 drops 3 times a day. You can place 10 drops of mag Phos 30 in water and sip as required.
Severe neuralgic or shooting pain : Take Hypericum 30 3 x day to reduce pain.
Dental abscess or infection: As an alternative to antibiotics, homeopathic Hepar Sulph 30 or 200 can be taken 3 times a day. If there is no improvement in 24 hours please call your dentist. If there is steady improvement in pain and discomfort keep taking the medicine and go back after 3-5 days so your dentist can check on progress. It is important in these cases that the tooth nerve is saved so stay close to your dentist to determine the diagnosis and then you will be able to self-prescribe the correct homeopathic medicine.
Tooth extraction :
Any serious dental procedure has the potential to cause some pain or discomfort. Often this is due to inflammation which is the body's natural response to procedures that involve cutting or traumatizing the delicate tissues of the mouth such as the gums.
There are several effective homeopathic medicines that reduce this inflammation and therefore the pain it causes.
Use Arnica 200 after any tooth extraction twice a day for 3-4 days and Staphisagria 200 in addition once a day for 3 days only, where the procedure proved to be or feel invasive. Staphisagria is especially appropriate if it involved stitches or you were upset about having to have the procedure in the first place!
Nervousness: A trip to the dentist is sometimes an opportunity for anxiety or nervousness. We have all been in this position... 'What will be wrong?' 'Will I need to have a tooth extraction/filling?' This anxiety can put a real downer on what could be a routine check-up. When anxiety before a check up is high there are some great homeopathic medicines that can completely alleviate your symptoms so a dental check can be stress-free visit! For anticipatory anxiety before the check up (especially if it gives you diarrhea) take Argentum Nitricum 30 twice the day before and once on the day of your visit. For mild nervousness take some Bach rescue Remedy which will be available from your local health store. Take two drops directly in your mouth or put 4-5 drops in a glass of water and sip in the waiting room.
Root Canal Treatment :
This can be a two stage procedure and there are several homeopathic medicines that will help. On the day of the procedure take Arnica 30 or 200 and then repeat twice a day after the procedure until the pain subsides. In addition, take Hypericum 30 or 200 twice a day to help with any nerve pain. Take this regime for 2-3 days after each procedure until the root canal is completed.
For increased healing of mouth wounds/incisions:
and after a periodontal clean Calendula Mouth rinse. Place 10 drops of Calendula tincture in a glass of water and swill round your mouth for 30-60 seconds. Do this first thing on waking and last thing at night. Do not use this rinse if infection is still present.
So to recap as there has been a lot of information! You can use the following homeopathic medicines for dental issues:
Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum, Staphisagria as a Dental First Aid kit with Argentum Nitricum and/or Back Rescue Remedy if you get anxious before a treatment.