Supplements and herbs
Because of their ability in stimulating the immune system response, minerals such as zinc and vitamin C are important supplements and help in the body’s fight against infection from all sources and pathogens-they must be included in the diet in appropriate doses. For the treatment of recurrent boils and abscesses, these two are effective preventives and will aid in the hastening of the healing process.
For all manners of infection a lot of practitioners also recommend the consumption of the utilization of a vitamin C flush, the use of high doses of the vitamin C to bowel tolerance, may significantly aid in recovering from infections of all sorts. Supplementation of the vitamin C can be done along with the class of nutrients known as bioflavonoids; these substances often occur together in many foods and are excellent as co-supplements.
It is often ignored but, the bowel is the source for many infections, especially the ones that affect the skin. Therefore most treatments must also aim to strengthen the bowel, which the supplements just mentioned will do remarkably well.
In addition to the supplements mentioned above, bowel action can be improved through medications containing effective doses of a good Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus supplement. These supplements will improve the digestive performance and help control the bowel flora, they will also aid in the reduction of gastrointestinal toxins in the bowel. Healing of damaged tissue is also hastened by the use of supplements containing the vitamins A and E, especially where skin problems are concerned, and these supplements prevent scarring and disfigurement of the affected skin. These can be taken along with the vitamin C, the bioflavonoid and the zinc, as they also aid in the immune system functioning like the other supplements.
Another excellent supplement is garlic, this has natural bactericidal properties. It can be consumed either in a raw form or in a capsule form which is available over the counter and is easy to administer to a patient besides being odorless.
These herbal remedies are very effective during the recovery process, and can be used both in the treatment of an abscess as well as during recovery from an attack. These remedies will aid in the hastening of the healing once the abscess has drained away.
Bacterial infections can be eliminated from the body through the use of a decoction of the Echinacea herb. This decoction can be prepared at home by using two teaspoons of Echinacea root in a cup of water, this water can then be boiled, and allowed to simmer for about ten minutes after which it can be drained-this decoction can be consumed thrice every day to rid bacterial infections.
Another theory in the formation of abscesses is the possible presence of excessive body heat lying latent in patients. The treatment of all kinds of abscesses is usually linked to the reduction of this excess body heat by many practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, thus such practitioners suggest the consumption of a herbal teas to relieve this heat, this tea contains herbs such as the dandelion or if unavailable the wild chrysanthemum along with the violet and the Chinese golden thread-this herbal tea can be drunk daily to rid oneself of excess heat in the body.
To ripen abscesses on the body especially where there is evident pus at the center of the red and elevated spot, the topical application of hot and moist compresses made from herbs such as the chamomile, the sage or the thyme can be tried out, these will soften and ripen the abscess and bring about relief from the pain.
Severely inflamed tissues can be alleviated by the utilization of cool arnica wraps as a direct topical measure. Topical treatments of infected abscess can also be carried out through the use of cold-pressed whole-leaf juices from the aloe vera, this juice has a very high mucopolysaccharide content, about 2 oz. or more, these compresses can be used three or more times every day as a topical measure. Acting as an astringent, a natural antibiotic or even as an analgesic, the gel made from the aloe vera can be used liberally at any stage of the treatment. To speed up healing once the pustule has drained away, use dabs of a cream made from the calendula herb or those that are made from the St. John's wort oil. Impurities in the blood can be eliminated through the applications of a poultice made from the burdock leaf; this leaf poultice is also an excellent antibiotic and is effective in alleviating pain associated with the abscess.
Another effective and essential topical measure is the use of a poultice made from the linseed flour, which must be used as hot as the person can tolerate it-this is a very effective direct topical measure in all abscesses. Use this topical measure every two or three hours by constantly replacing cold packs with a new hot pack.
The use of the yarrow herb can also be carried out; its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties will heal skin faster especially during the recovery stages when the pustule has drained away. The yarrow can be prepared in an herbal tea for internal consumption that is it can be sipped in small amounts throughout the course of a day. Alternately the tea can be used to wash the affected area to aid in healing; the yarrow can also be used as a poultice, to be rubbed onto the scalp, to bring about healing in the skin. Prepare the yarrow herbal tea in cup boiling water to which a tsp. of the yarrow herb has been added, cool, drain and drink as needed. A sage or chamomile infusion can be used two times every day to thoroughly cleanse the abscess using a clean cotton cloth which has been soaked in the infusion.
To prevent all recurrent attacks and to aid in the hastening of the healing process, the juices of the nettle and the red clover can be consumed everyday; these also cleanse blood thoroughly and help in the elimination of infection in the body.