Sun Burn Remedies
If you’ve been careless or just couldn’t manage to take adequate precautions this time try not to worry, but don’t make it a habit to expose your skin to the harsh sunlight without adequate protection in the future. There are many instances when despite your best efforts you may still experience sunburn.

Sunburn itself is a temporary phenomenon and the pain and soreness will only last for a couple of days.

But the first few days can be almost unbearable as the skin peels and flakes.
Thankfully there are plenty of natural methods that you can use to treat this problem very effectively without even leaving your home. Most of the ingredients for these home remedies can be found in your kitchen or garden itself and are inexpensive and low risk, making them more viable as compared to commercial products that at times tend to employ harsh chemicals that may irritate sensitive or damaged skin. I’ll skip the basics of first aid and immediate care, as you probably won’t be needing that anymore, and I’ll recommend some natural remedies to relieve the pain and facilitate healing.

Tannins that are present in tea are great for sunburn and you can use it in different ways. You can simply place wet tea bags on the affected skin or soak yourself in a tub of cool water with a handful of tea bags thrown in.

Cold milk is one of the most soothing natural remedies for sunburn. Try not to use skimmed milk as it is in fact the fat in the milk more than the temperature that produces this soothing effect.

Baking soda makes for another useful; remedy and you can either use it as a paste with water or you can add it to a lukewarm bath so that you can soak it in. Do this for at least half an hour.

Vinegar is another natural ingredient available in every household that can come in handy for sunburn. Simply soak a gauze or some cloth or towels in vinegar and drape them around the affected area. This will alleviate the pain quite swiftly.
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