Simple home remedies to reduce menstrual cramps
Some of the following self-help remedies can help and provide great relief.

• Take a hot bath. The hot water will relax the muscles of your uterus relieving you from cramps.

• Put a hot pad on your stomach or on your mid lower back or put the hot water bag alternately on your belly and back.

• Drink something hot. Drink some herbal or ginger tea, lie down, and be comfortable.

• This tip is very important which most women do not follow, but at least should take care about the food they eat during menstruation. Before and during your periods avoid junk food, fast food and heavy food. Eat more of vegetables, fruits and juices and eat little at a time. Eat light and keep stomach light. Avoid sweet and salty foods.

• Exercise reduces muscle tension. Little bit of walking will help reduce cramps and increase circulation in the pelvic area.

• Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Apart from these

1.Take a good multivitamin and multimineral supplement. Make some changes in your nutrition.

Calcium helps muscle maintain normal tone.

Omega 3 fatty acids are antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) decreases menstrual pain by reducing vasospasm in uterine arteries.

Vitamin E reduces menstrual pain and cyclic breast pain.

2. Do some yoga.

Yoga brings balance in the body. Heavy and rigorous exercise should not be during menstruation and yoga is a slow movement and calm exercise and hence is the perfect exercise to be done during menstrual cycle. There are many recommended standing, forward bending and twisting exercises but the following are simple and enough to answer the task.

kapalbhati pranayama
anulom vilom pranayama
Inversion poses like sarvangasana and shirsana are not recommended during menstruation.
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