Simple Home Remedies for Superficial Phlebitis
There are two types of phlebitis, one more severe than the other.
If you have superficial phlebitis, the affected vein will be near the surface of the skin. In fact, you may see it as a hard, red cord in the affected area that is tender to the touch.
The more severe form of phlebitis is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). With DVT, the affected vein is deep within the muscle, causing the affected area to become swollen and tender, especially when you first stand up. DVT can cause serious, life threatening health problems.
If you suspect you have phlebitis, you should see a doctor immediately. If you are diagnosed with superficial phlebitis, here are some things you can do to manage your condition.
Find Relief with Heat
One way to treat superficial phlebitis is with heat. Several times a day, lie down and elevate your leg so that it's at least six inches above your heart. Place a warm, wet washcloth over your leg. Do this several times a day, and the inflammation caused by superficial phlebitis should be gone in less than two weeks.
Relieve Phlebitis with Aspirin
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like aspirin and ibuprofen, are known for their blood thinning properties, so they could have an affect on any blood clots that have formed in your body. However, before trying this method of self-care, see talk to your doctor first.
Superficial phlebitis is nothing to be afraid of. By taking a few simple steps, you could be rid of this condition in less than two weeks.