Resolve Your Fear of Loss With the Magic of Homeopathy
. Lypocodium (Club moss) Indecision. Timidity. Loss of self esteem, constant fear of breaking down under stress. Adverse to new things, apprehensive, sensitive, melancholy, afraid to be alone, anxiety, fear of men. As losses in life accumulate ailments gradually increase and deep seeded progressive chronic disease appears. One of homeopathy's premier remedies for numerous issues besides loss.

· Alumina (oxide of Aluminum) Aluminum has been connected with memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, senility and dementia. The consciousness of reality and judgment is disturbed. Confused as to identity. Feels his words are not his own. A feeling of hurry comes and things do not move fast enough. Moods alternate with life viewed in a sad light. Things seem unreal. Many physical ailments also arrive. A popular remedy for the elderly and feeble.

· Nux Vomica (poison nut) corresponds with many diseased conditions which modern man is prone to: Primarily a male remedy that has an overactive mind. He is nervous and irritable, sensitive to all impressions. He cannot bear noise, odors, or light. Angry and impatient. Cannot stand pain. Can be violent with suicidal impulses. Is worse as losses accumulate.

· Sulphur (Sublimated Sulphur) Homeopathy's most prescribed medicine for skin disease it also good for losses. The Sulphur personality is often irritable, depressed, thin and weak, even though well fed. Egotistical and obstinate. Intellectual. Busy all the time. Hopeful dreamer who is extremely selfish. Sulphur loses everything and that leads to an immense amount of physical issues as time moves on.

I have witnessed some amazing transformation with the use of the homeopathic remedies listed above. The descriptions are only highlights of the possibilities for the use of these remedies. They show strong results in the category of resolving loss of both physical and mental realms of humanity. Detailed descriptions of the actions of these remedies and many more come with homeopathic kits and reference books.

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