Remedies to Get You Through Swine Flu Faster and Easier
The Swine Flu is a viral illness causing the sufferer much pain and misery. Unfortunately, doctors rarely prescribe medicines for Swine Flu keeping
Relenza or Tamiflu for the most ill and high risk patients. In addition, if you don't catch get the medications within two days, then they will do you no good. Besides drinking plenty of liquids and resting, here are some home remedies you can try.

Drink Lemon Balm Tea twice a day as a home remedy for Swine Flu. Lemon balm has anti-viral; the anti-viral properties that can help alleviate your symptoms and shorten the duration of Swine Flu.

Chew several fresh garlic cloves a day as a home remedy for Swine Flu. Garlic also has antiviral properties that can fight Swine Flu. If you can't handle chewing fresh garlic cloves plain, make garlic bread with fresh garlic and eat that.

Inhaling steam can lessen chest congestion symptoms of Swine Flu. You can use a vaporizer or pot to inhale fumes adding eucalyptus or chamomile to the water to increase the effectiveness of the vapor.

Mix apple cider vinegar and honey with one cup of warm water and drink it to fight Swine Flu. Apple cider vinegar contains Malic Acid which has antibiotic, anti-fungal, and an anti-viral properties.

Giloy is believed triple our natural immunities and resistance to viruses like Swine Flu. It is used heavily in India to fight Swine Flu. The recommended use is to "take a one foot long branch of Giloy herb (Amta) and seven leaves of Tulsi. Mix them and extract juice of this mixture in a vessel. Boil this juice and drink it."

Vasa is a herb that helps to clear respiratory infections. It is an anti-inflammatory and increases lung function. This is very useful during Swine Flu as it almost always results in clearing up respiratory congestion. It can be purchased online in some health food store.

Taking good old Vitamin C will also boost your immunities and help you to recover from Swine Flu more quickly. To boost your resistance to the virus take 1,000 mg every six hours. Also consume foods that are rich in vitamin C.

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