
Apple cider vinegar For laryngitis a folk remedy from Vermont uses one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to half glass of water, taken every hour for seven hours.

Cayenne pepper Pour one cup of boiling water into a cup; add 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a few drops of lemon juice; stir and sip slowly; the hotter the better.

DMSO Gargling with DMSO will relieve the symptoms of laryngitis.

Essential oils Boil a pot of water and remove from the stove. Add: 2 drops chamomile essential oil, 3 drops lavender essential oil and 2 drops thyme essential oil. Make a tent over your head and the pot and inhale.

Ginger Peel the skin from a small ginger root. Slice the root into thin coins and place the pieces into a small pot of water. Boil the pieces to make tea. The tea should turn a yellowish (straw) or tan color. Add three tablespoons of your favorite honey to sweeten the tea. Sip the hot tea slowly. The tea gives a sharp tingle to the throat after swallowing it. After you sip it, gently clear your throat.This tea also works for trying to get your voice back after a cold. This remedy compliments of Cathy Ekaitis.

Honey/lemon A mixture of honey and lemon makes a good gargle and is very soothing for the throat.

Ice Suck on a piece of ice. It will stop spasms in your throat.

Lozenges Suck on lozenges periodically throughout the day to moisten your throat.

Onion syrup Another excellent gargle is made from onion syrup, honey and lemon. To make the onion syrup: slice three large onions and put them in four or five cups of water; simmer until syrupy; strain. Next, put five or six tablespoonsful of the syrup into a glass of warm water, along with a tablespoon of honey and a dash of lemon. Sip slowly.

Sea salt Make a gargle of sea salt and water and use several times a day.

Tea Try one of these tea remedies:

Teas made from fenugreek, eucalyptus, horehound and marshmallow also can be used as a gargle.
Combine one teaspoon each of valerian root, skullcap and catnip with one cup of boiling water; steep for 10 minutes; sip while still hot.
Any hot tea will stimulate the throat and help relax the vocal cords.
Zinc Suck on zinc lozenges to ease throat discomfort.
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