Pressure points for toothache
Acupressure, like acupuncture is an ancient healing art and can be especially helpful in locating pressure points for toothache. In both cases key points on the body are used to stimulate the bodies self-healing abilities. The main difference is that acupuncture uses needles whereas with acupressure, particularly with oral problems, the fingers press the key pressure points for toothache. There are certain areas that are used as pressure points for toothache. The idea is to use finger pressure directly on the point of pain. There are places at the bottom of the cheek bones directly below the pupil which can also act as pressure points for toothache. Additionally, there is a point directly in front of the ear opening in the depression that deepens when you open your mouth that has been identified as one of the pressure points for toothache. Bizarrely, another of the pressure points for toothache sits on the back of the ankle midway between the inside of the anklebone and the tendon. By putting the thumb and forefinger together and finding the highest point of the muscle between them and then applying pressure to this point it does have a success rate at relieving toothache.

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