Natural Remedy for Urinary Incontinence
Cypress essential oil is excellent to use because of its astringent qualities which help in toning up the tissues and encourage efficient excretion of fluid. Use about 6 drops in a bath or make a compress with 2 drops in a small bowl of warm water and wring out a small towel in the liquid, placing it over the lower abdomen. For daily use, it may be easier to use a diluted oil, 2% dilution (about 50 drops in 100 ml of base oil), and massage a little into the lower abdomen each day.

Horsetail ((Equisetum arvense)) is the foremost herb for urinary incontinence. Horsetail is quite a strong diuretic, but more significantly it contains appreciable amounts of silica. This has an astringent and toning effect on the bladder tissues, encouraging it to empty efficiently and regain some of the lost muscle tone. Horsetail is perhaps best taken as the fresh juice, available in some countries, take 10 ml (2tsp) twice a day; otherwise a decoction may be taken.

St. John's Wort if emotional upset is a part of the problem, then also taking St. John's Wort may help a good deal - use the juice at the same rate or take an infusion for a week or two (take care not to overdo this remedy if going out in strong sunlight, as it can increase sun sensitivity).

Saw Palmetto. This herb is known to cure ailments such as penile dysfunction, but this can also help treat urinary incontinence because it inhibits a form of testosterone that stimulates cell reproduction in the prostate gland. Prostate enlargement in men causes them to need to go to the toilet at frequent intervals.

Women can also benefit from saw palmetto because research has show that saw palmetto strengthens the urinary organs, strengthening urinary organs after menopause can help control urinary incontinence for women.

Hot and cold compress is another way you can do to treat urinary incontinence. This is done by alternating hot/cold compresses, around 3-4 minutes hot and 1 minute cold, repeated once or twice. A simpler method is to have a fairly warm bath, followed by a short splash of cool water around the waist and bladder, or else when finishing a shower turn the temperature down to cool and use on this area for a minute. These methods will help to stimulate pelvic circulation, which in turn will encourage better muscular control.

Dietary Changes. Making certain dietary changes such as eliminating spicy foods, foods containing sugar or honey, citrus fruits and tomato based sauces can improve urinary incontinence. Reduce your intake of alcoholic, carbonated and caffeinated beverages.

Practice meditation and regular exercise. Regular meditation and exercise both function to relieve stress and help tones and strengthens the organ muscles including the urinary organs.
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