Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux
Using natural remedies for acid reflux, along with cutting out spicy and fattening foods, losing weight, stopping the cigarettes, and exercising more, can be very effective in treating heartburn at home. People with mild heartburn symptoms may even be able to avoid medication by using these home remedies.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Taking an acidic substance like apple cider vinegar to treat acid reflux seems counter-productive. However, many people do find it to be helpful for controlling heartburn, maybe because it helps with digestion.

Look for organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother" in it. It looks like stringy globs of stuff floating around. This sounds disgusting, but the mother contains enzymes that can help with healing. Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, available at natural food stores, is usually recommended.

Shake up the apple cider vinegar to distribute the mother throughout the vinegar, and take one tablespoon before every meal. It can work in as little as three days, but usually it takes three to nine months to completely get rid of heartburn symptoms.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera juice has been used in Europe for many years as a natural remedy for acid reflux. A quarter cup taken about 20 minutes before eating will help to soothe an irritated, inflamed esophagus.

Don't try to squeeze the gel out of the leaves if you have an aloe vera plant, as it contains aloe latex, which is a powerful laxative. Buy only aloe vera juice or gel that specifically says it's for internal use. It can be found at natural food stores.

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice, or DGL, helps to stop heartburn by stimulating the production of the protective mucus that lines the digestive tract. This helps to protect the esophagus from stomach acid. It also boosts the immune system and is a very strong anti-inflammatory.

Take two 250-milligram capsules before each meal. Instead of taking DGL with water, it's best to suck on the capsules and let them slowly dissolve in the mouth. This helps the DGL to cover the inflamed tissues in your throat and esophagus.

It can take about four weeks to work, so don't give up too soon.

Ginger is a very effective herb for digestive problems. It works by relaxing the smooth muscles on the esophagus walls, which helps to prevent acid reflux. You can use powdered ginger or fresh ginger root. Both are readily available at the supermarket.

If you're using ginger capsules, take two capsules twenty minutes before eating. Or you can make tea from the ginger root or the powder. Candied or pickled ginger is very effective, too.

Ginger can be too strong for people with sensitive stomachs. In this case, try ginger tincture. Dissolve 15 drops in a half-cup of water and drink it. If it's not strong enough, you can increase the dose up to 60 drops, but it's always better to start with a smaller dose first.

The last on the list of natural remedies for acid reflux is glutamine. This amino acid is an anti-inflammatory that reduces the irritation that goes along with heartburn. It works by encouraging the production of new cells in the gastrointestinal tract, while helping to dispose of damaged cells. Faster healing of irritated tissue in the digestive tract is the result.

Home Remedies Are Not For The Long Term
Left untreated, heartburn can progress to more serious problems. If these home remedies for acid reflux don't provide relief within a few months, medication, either over-the-counter or prescription, may be necessary.

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