Natural Cure For Dehydration
Dehydration is the lacking of adequate hydration in the internal system. When the internal system lacks water inside this problem occurs and in point of result, it is a fatal problem. Generally, after sever fever, loose motion, and diarrhea or after typhoid kind of intestinal problem the disorder of dehydration occurs. If the problem of dehydration is minor in its effect you can try the home remedies otherwise it is wise to consult medical help to restore normalcy in hydration level of the dehydrated patient.

A combination made with one teaspoon lime juice, one teaspoon sugar, and a pinch of salt need to be consumed by slow sip around the day/It helps to arrest mild dehydration.

IN take of adequate water helps to cure the problem of dehydration naturally. You need to start your activity with 16 ounce water consumes and in the end of the day you need to consume the whole amount .This will replenish the system with proper hydration level.

In case of mild dehydration you need to avoid fried and spicy foods, consumption of strong beverages like tea, coffee, or alcohol, and on reverse should indulge on lime water, light, unsweetened fruit juice, and water fruits like watermelon, cucumber, and a recommended quantity of banana. Banana is rich is sodium and potassium count thus helps to retain water in health system which helps in the crisis of dehydration.

Staying cool is another prerequisite of the prevention and cure for dehydration. Most often it is observed with aged people and children that due to exposure in excessive heat they have been affected by dehydration.

In case of dehydration please try to avoid solid food for first 24 hours and then take the foods easily digestible for you. If your health permits, you can take a cold shower and it will help to wipe off the dizziness caused by the dehydration.

In cases of severe dehydration, when pulse becomes too fast/slow/setting, nausea, and fainted condition comes, it is the right time to contact doctor to start medical intervention to cure the patient.

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