Key Diabetes Herbs
Garlic is considered by top natural healers such as Dr Richard Schulze to be the best herb for directly lowering blood sugar as well as for the repair of pancreas cells and stimulating the pancreas to produce insulin. This has been proven in numerous studies, but it still ignored by most. This makes garlic a very useful anti diabetes herb, and any herbal treatment of diabetes should include it.

To get the healing effect of garlic, you need to use raw, high quality garlic. Preferably, you should use organic garlic if you can get hold of that. The baseline dosage for using garlic is 3-5 cloves per day. However, garlic is an herb that can be consumed in any quantity.

A bulb of good quality garlic normally contains 10-12 large, white cloves. If your garlic has 30-50 small cloves which are yellowish in color, then it is likely to be of inferior quality. For health and healing purposes, it is always advisable to go for the best quality possible.


Cayenne is another useful diabetes herbal remedy.

Virtually every diabetic has awful circulation. Healing an area of the body requires circulation to that part of the body. Thus, to heal the pancreas, you must also have good circulation. Cayenne is the number one herb for boosting circulation, and for this reason, is it an essential part of any herbal treatment of diabetes.

Essiac Tea

There is a particular herbal tea formula, called Essiac Tea, which was popularized by the Canadian Nurse Rene Caisse many years ago, which is reported to have helped alleviate the condition of many diabetics.

Essiac Tea’s fame is largely for being a popular herbal remedy for cancer. However, it is possible that the herbs in the formula sooths, heals and rejuvenates other organs, and that indirectly stimulates the pancreas to begin working normally again.

For example, burdock can help with blood sugar regulation, while slippery elm sooths and heals the parts of the body which it comes into contact with. In addition, sheep sorrel aids in improving kidney function, while rhubarb stimulates the liver.

These effects are typical of using herbs and herbal remedies, as well as natural healing methods in general. Unlike conventional medicine’s drugs and methods, which usually only target one very specific part of the body, natural healing normally brings recovery and health to many different parts of the body at a time.

Thus, while Essiac is not an herbal formula for the pancreas per se, it still does a lot to contribute to the health of the organ. This makes the herbs in Essiac useful anti diabetes herbs.
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