Insect Bites and Stings and Spider Bites - Prevention
Take the following measures to help prevent bites and stings.

Apply insect repellent before going into the woods or other areas where you may come in contact with insects. Use insect repellents according to directions, particularly when applying repellent to children.
Apply repellents safely. Some insect repellents can only be safely applied to clothing rather than skin.
Use a lower-concentration repellent on children.
Do not put repellent on small children's hands, since they often put their hands in their mouths.
Wash the insect repellent off with soap and water after returning indoors.

Wear light-colored, smooth-finished clothes that cover your body, such as long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Button long sleeves and tuck long pants inside boots. Avoid loose clothes that might entangle a biting or stinging insect. Avoid bright colors. Avoid going barefooted or wearing sandals outdoors. Some outdoor stores may sell clothing treated with a repellant.

Avoid wearing perfumed lotions, aftershave, or scented hair products during the warm months.
Take positive steps to manage your surroundings.

Always close car windows.
Do not put your picnic out until you are ready to eat, and repack picnic food as soon as you are finished serving.

Avoid flowering plants.
If you have a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to insect bites or stings, have someone else mow lawns or clip hedges.

Avoid swatting at insects or flailing your arms around them. Instead, retreat slowly and calmly when insects act threatening.
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