How to Treat Psoriasis With Alternative Remedies
Step 1
Reduce the amount of dairy products, sugar, processed foods, fried foods, white flour and meat you eat. These can contribute to flare-ups. Eat foods like tuna, mackerel and salmon (which are full of omega-3 fatty acids), whole grains, vegetables, fruits and fiber-rich foods, which can bring relief to your psoriasis symptoms.

Step 2
Use aloe vera cream. Aloe vera comes from the short-stemmed plant that was first discovered in North Africa and is well-known for its use for treating various skin conditions. Apply the cream on the affected areas of your body 2 to 3 times daily, until you feel relief.

Step 3
Use licorice root tincture. Soak a sterile cotton ball with the tincture and place it on the areas where your psoriasis lesions are located. The anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce swelling, redness and itching. Use it topically only.

Step 4
Take one fumaric acid capsule every night, before bedtime, with a glass of distilled water. The strength should be 500 milligrams. Fumaric acid is a compound that produces energy from food. You may become flushed or red for a brief period or experience gastrointestinal upset, following taking the capsule. If you have not seen improvement after ten days, then increase your dosage of fumaric acid capsules to two capsules per night There are currently no known drug interactions with fumaric acid, but refrain from taking excessively large dosages, as it may lead to kidney problems. Individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not take fumaric acid. Long-term use is not advised.

Step 5
Find a homeopathic remedy that fits you individually. Homeopathic remedies routinely used to treat psoriasis are Arsenicum album, Mercurium solubilis, Sepia, Calcarea carbonica, Graphites, Sulphur, Petroleum, Mezereum, Rhus toxicodendron and Staphysagria. You should contact a practitioner to help you pick the right remedy and to tell you the correct dosage and strength to use.
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