How to Prevent Dandruff
Step 1
Shampoo your hair on a regular basis. Shampooing is often the easiest and most effective way to prevent dandruff. It cleans your hair, invigorates follicles, reduces the oily buildup that can lead to embarrassing dandruff flakes and prevents excess cells from accumulating on your scalp.

Step 2
Spend some time each day outdoors in the sunlight. Human skin needs sunlight in order to produce certain essential vitamins and the skin of your scalp is no exception. Getting just a little sun on your scalp each day will help keep it healthy, but you must be careful to avoid sunburn--just like with any other part of your body.

Step 3
Stop using styling products in your hair, or at the very least reduce the amount and frequency of use. All styling products, from gels to sprays, will contribute to the build up of oil on your scalp, and the more you use the more you will contribute to dandruff.

Step 4
Exercise regularly and eat a well-balanced, healthy diet. Proper nutrition and exercise are two of the most important things you can do for your health and should be part of a comprehensive plan to combat any health problem, even something as commonplace and non-life threatening as dandruff.

Step 5
Research homeopathic and all-natural methods for reducing dandruff. Natural remedies for dandruff can include things like tea tree oil-based shampoos or getting the right amount of zinc in your diet.

Step 6
Prevent dandruff with the use of special dandruff shampoos. Medicated dandruff shampoos are plentiful and are regularly available at almost all pharmacies or grocery stores. There are many different brands of over-the-counter dandruff shampoos (though most have the same active ingredients). Using a dandruff shampoo as directed for a period of time should clear it up without much hassle.

Step 7
Talk to your doctor about getting a prescription dandruff shampoo and discuss other ways to prevent dandruff if the problem persists and over-the-counter dandruff shampoos don't clear it up.
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