How Can Acupressure Help Nausea?
There are several acupressure points that can help us manage nausea with immediate relief. While it is best to use acupressure charts map out the locations, we’ll provide a good description of the location of these acupressure points to help you find them on your body.

The most important point for management of nausea is called Pericardium 6 (P6). In Chinese, it is referred to as Nei Guan, or Inner Gate. Acupressure stimulation of Pericardium 6 activates an extraordinary meridian in your body that harmonizes the connection between your vital internal organs. In addition, acupressure on P6 can calm your mind, helping your body to relax.

Pericardium 6 is located on the inner side of your wrist. To find the acupressure point, place your first three fingers together, and lay them at the crease of your wrist. The acupressure point is located between the two tendons in the middle of your wrist, right where the edge of your index finger crosses these tendons. Feel around in this area for the most active point and apply steady pressure with your finger.

A secondary point to enhance the effect of our acupressure treatment is called Stomach 36 (St36). The Chinese name of the acupressure point is Zu San Li, or Foot Three Mile. Stomach 36 is considered one of the most powerful points in the body and it is very effective at harmonizing your Stomach and strengthening digestion. In addition, acupressure on Stomach 36 can be used to improve our immune system and overall energy level.

To find Stomach 36, place all four of your fingers together at the lower outside edge of your knee cap. The acupressure point is located between the outer edge of your shin bone and your leg muscle, where your fingers and shin bone meet. Apply pressure to a larger area about the size of quarter, focusing the pressure on the most sensitive spot you find.

Acupressure should be applied to both sides of your body on these points, starting with Pericardium 6, until your nausea subsides. There are also several acupressure products available that apply steady pressure on Pericardium 6 through wrist straps used to prevent motion sickness.

Helpful Tips for Acupressure for Nausea
Breathe deeply when performing acupressure on yourself.
Focus your attention on the acupressure point as you apply stimulation to increase the effects.
Acupressure stimulation should feel strong, but should not be an uncomfortable level of pressure.
Perform acupressure on the points when you first begin to feel nausea, and keep applying pressure until the nausea subsides.
Drinking ginger tea can help calm your stomach and reduce some mild cases of nausea.

If you are also thirsty while experiencing nausea or have lost fluids due to vomiting, drink warm water in small amounts until you feel better.
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