Homeopathy for Yeast Infection
Homeopathic medicine can stimulate the body to overpower the yeast infection. The therapy uses highly diluted doses of a natural substance that would produce the same infection symptoms if given in full strength to a healthy person. To tailor a remedy for yeast infection, a classical homeopath questions the patient on the symptoms and assesses the general state of physical and emotional health. Using these clues, the remedy is then individualized to the patient. Here are some yeast infection characteristics to consider:
Is there any vaginal discharge?
What is its color, consistency, and smell?
Does walking or lying down increase the amount of discharge?
Is there any discomfort around the vagina?
Is urination difficult or uncomfortable?
Some typical remedies for yeast infections include:
borax veneta
calcarea carbonica
mercurius solubilis
pulsatilla nigricans
Combination remedies, available over the counter, are formulated for the most common yeast infection symptoms. Because of this lack of individualization, however, they are considered less effective.