Homeopathy for Diarrhea
Homeopathic medicine works to treat diarrhea by giving highly diluted doses of a natural substance that would produce diarrhea if given in full strength to a healthy person. The remedy stimulates the body to overpower whatever is causing the diarrhea.

A homeopath questions the patient on details of the diarrhea and assesses the general state of physical and emotional health. Using these clues, the remedy is then individualized to the patient.

The following are some diarrhea characteristics a homeopathic physician might consider:

How does the stool look and smell?
Does vomiting, stomach pain, or fever accompany the diarrhea?
Is the diarrhea better or worse at certain times of the day?

Homeopathic remedies require an evaluation by a professional practitioner. The following are common homeopathic remedies for diarrhea:

Arsenicum album for diarrhea from bad food (especially fruit) or water; characterized by chilly, burning pains, restlessness, weakness, and anxiety; and is worse between 1:00 and 3:00 a.m.

Chamomilla for diarrhea accompanied by extreme irritability, peevishness, cramping, and sensitivity to pain; resulting in greenish stools; and occurring in children or colicky infants.

Podophyllum for copious, painless, often mustard-yellow diarrhea in infants and children, usually during the summer months.

Sulphur for diarrhea that drives the patient from bed in the early morning (5:00 or 6:00 a.m.); causes burning pains and a red, irritated anus; makes the patient hot and prone to perspire; and has the odor of rotten eggs.
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