Homeopathy is a holistic approach to healing and illness. It is an alternative system to the traditional scientific one but has proved its usefulness in the numerous cases where it has made advanced treatments that were in cases more effective than that of modern medicine. Most homeopathic remedies are based on naturally occurring substances and act on the body’s immune system in order to enable it to fight against disease better. In cases of bronchitis homeopathy may help greatly in removing the distress caused by cough and in immune function. However it must be said here that very prolonged and severe cases of bronchitis must involve a qualified physician in its diagnosis and treatment.

Antimonium tar.
Antimonium tar. is a prescription suggested to patients suffering from bronchitis who may have a congested feeling around their chest, the feeling may include a suggestion of wet mucus clogging the lung, the symptoms may include labored breathing along with a rattling sound when respiring. There could also be a difficulty in coughing and even this may take a lot of effort and the spasmic contraction involved may not be sufficient to bring the mucus to the exterior, and the only relief might be if the person burped or spat repeatedly, the symptoms may also include a drowsiness and lack of energy and the person may feel faint and dizzy, and this symptoms may only be relieved by either sitting up or lying prone in a particular angle or side of the body for example the right side of the body.

Bryonia is prescribed only to patients suffering from a dry and very painful cough during the occurrence of bronchitis, there is very little mucus in the cough and the effort itself is very painful. Any sort of motion may worsen the cough and the patient might be afraid to move for fear of coughing. The patient may even try to hold down the sides of his body manually in an attempt to lessen the pain. He may even experience spasmodic muscular cramps in his stomach each time he coughs and this may even be coupled with a digestive disorder in the stomach. Symptoms include dryness of the mouth and a persistent thirst that may not be easily quenched by drinking water. A very dry mouth and a sullen disposition characterizes such a sufferer and bryonia is to be prescribed in this case, as the patient may not be even willing to talk and can be seen to actively avoid company, remaining still most of the time.

Calcarea carbonica
Calcarea carbonica is suggested to patients suffering from acute bronchitis especially one that has made an appearance after the person suffered from a common cold. The other symptoms are the presence of a constant cough with a tickling sensation around the throat, the person may not be very comfortable in positions where he has to lie down or even stoop slightly and the symptoms like the cough may come out in force in cold weather and in the nighttime. The symptoms in children may differ from the ones in the adults and children may have a mild fever, and they may get sweaty in the temples and the head region while asleep, the symptoms in children may also include a listlessness and lack of energy, they may tire easily during play. The symptoms of the adults may be very different and they may feel cold all the time, with clammy hands and feet. They may have problems breathing easily and may tire out quickly, in such cases of acute bronchitis calcarea is to be prescribed.

Causticum is to suggest to patients who have developed bronchitis with symptoms that include a deep, hard sounding, racking cough. The tell tale signs may include the feeling of trapped mucus in the throat and in the chest, the person may not be able to dislodge this supposed mucus that is stuck in his throat even after a prolonged bout of coughing. He may thus cough in a vain attempt to loosen this feeling of mucus around the throat. The symptoms may also include a sensation of rawness and a sore feeling in the mouth and throat, and a feeling that something hard and almost like a small stone is stuck somewhere in the throat. The person may feel extremely cold and chills may continually envelope him and there could also be present a moderate to mild recurring fever. The persistent cough may not be helped by cold air or surroundings and may increase in intensity whenever cold weather approaches. Respite may come in warmer days and in balmy environments and the cough may be relieved partially by ingesting something cold.

Dulcamara is only to be prescribed in cases of bronchitis where a person’s condition changes very greatly in alternate types of weather. The person may feel worse, with all symptoms rising to a crescendo on being in a wet and cold place, symptoms that may vary widely in warm weather to severe illness in cold weather. This remedy may be suggested when the symptoms include a ticklish and raspy cough, which sounds hoarse and loose and increase in intensity after every bout of physical activity. Such patients are typically people who have allergies and may have become susceptible to bronchitis because of their allergic reactions to substances like pollen and cats hair having weakened them. For bronchitis caused by allergies this remedy may be prescribed.

Hepar sulp.
People who need Hepar sulp. are usually affected with symptoms like a dry cackling cough accompanied by a hoarse and rattling sound, the color of the mucus secreted is usually yellowish in tinge. The patient has symptoms that are aggravated in cold weather and are easily upset even by a small draft of cold air. Cold weather may bring on fits coughing worsening as the weather cools. The consumption of cold food or chilled drinks may aggravate the symptoms. The patient may feel insecure and irritable and become very emotional when least expected.

Kali bich.
Kali bich. is to be prescribed to people who have developed symptoms of bronchitis, such as a metallic sounding hacking cough that also is accompanied by a ticklish sensation and a spewing out of stringy and sticky strands of yellow mucus. Varied symptoms may include a feeling of coldness across the chest and within the lungs, with pain being a resultant action of cough that may be felt acutely in the breastbones and in the chest every time the person coughs. A difficulty in breathing during sleep may also be a symptom and the person may make rattling types of noises while sleeping. All symptoms may worsen in the early mornings and in cold weather, and even after food. The person may continually seek the warmth of a bed.

Pulsatilla is to be prescribed especially in cases of bronchitis where symptoms may include a feeling of great weight of the chest. A dry retching cough with the sensations of being choked or gag may bring up yellow mucus or sputum. Other typical symptoms may also include a change in the type of cough experienced at different times in a 24-hour period. The cough may be a dry type at night with very little mucus brought up, while in the mornings and in cooler air the cough may bring up a lot of mucus. Other symptoms include a fever which always appears to be severe in the evening and during the night, subsiding however with the morning and the day. The person may prefer open places with lots of air flowing about and this could also lessen the activity of the symptoms like the cough. The patient may not be thirsty for prolonged periods and may be emotionally insecure and moody, craving attention and care. This herb is also a good bet for children suffering from these kinds of symptoms.

Silicea is to be prescribed to persons who have had symptoms associated with bronchitis for prolonged periods of time and even week upon week. There is a typical cough, which with some effort brings up mucus, which could be colored with a yellowish or greenish tint. There may even be small granules in the mucus characterized by an offensive smell. The person may experience stabbing pains on the back of the torso when he is coughing. The person in addition may be more sensitive to cold weather and a fever is almost always present, along with profuse sweating during the night. They may experience tiredness and could be sensitive and nervous with a very low stamina and physical signs like a swollen lymph node may indicate susceptibility to infection.

Sulphur is to be prescribed in recurring cases of bronchitis, where overuse of antibiotics may have seriously hampered the body’s ability to defend itself. There is present a rough, and burningly painful cough with a discharge of yellow or green mucus, and such symptoms may be aggravated when such persons become too warm in bed, other symptoms may be difficulty in respiration while asleep. The symptoms may be varied but this type of recurrence of bronchitis happens only in cases where, a previous attack was ineffectively treated. Other tell tale signs are the redness in the eye’s and irritation in the mucous membranes, the patient may develop bad breath and will often sweat profusely at night. Only persons who fulfill all these peculiar symptoms are to be prescribed with this particular supplement.
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