There have been few studies examining the effectiveness of specific homeopathic remedies. A professional homeopath, however, may recommend one or more of the following treatments for insomnia. based on his or her knowledge and clinical experience. Before prescribing a remedy, homeopaths take into account a person's constitutional type. In homeopathic terms, a person's constitution is his or her physical, emotional, and intellectual makeup. An experienced homeopath assesses all of these factors when determining the most appropriate remedy for a particular individual.

Aconitum — for insomnia that occurs as a result of illness, fever, or vivid, frightening dreams; commonly used for children

Argentum nitricum — for impulsive children who are restless and agitated before bedtime and cannot fall asleep if the room is too warm

Arsenicum album — for insomnia that occurs after midnight due to anxiety or fear; this remedy is most appropriate for demanding individuals who are often restless, thirsty, and chilly

Chamomilla — for insomnia caused by irritability or physical pains; sleep may be disturbed by twitching and moaning; this remedy is appropriate for infants who have difficulty sleeping because they are teething or colicky; older children may demand things, then refuse them when they are offered

Coffea — for insomnia due to excitable news or sudden emotions; this remedy is most appropriate for individuals who generally have difficulty falling asleep and tend to be light sleepers; often used to counteract the effects of caffeine, including in infants exposed to caffeine by way of breastfeeding

Ignatia — for insomnia caused by grief or recent loss; this remedy is most appropriate for individuals who yawn frequently or sigh while awake

Kali phosphoricum — for night terrors associated with insomnia; this remedy is most appropriate for individuals who are easily startled and restless, often with fidgety feet; anxiety is often caused by both nightmares and events in the individual's life

Nux vomica — for insomnia caused by anxiety, anger, irritability, or use of caffeine, alcohol, or drugs; this remedy is most appropriate for individuals who wake up early in the morning, for children who often have dreams of school or fights and may be awakened by slight disturbances; nux vomica may also be used to treat insomnia that occurs as a side effect of medications

Passiflora — for the elderly and young children, whose minds are often overactive

Pulsatilla — for women and children who are particularly emotional and do not like sleeping alone; sleeping in a warm room tends to worsen insomnia and the individual may cry due to the inability to fall asleep

Rhus toxicodendron — for restlessness and insomnia caused by pains that occur when the individual is lying down.

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