
Hamamelis: Tincture or lotion may be applied locally at night. Hamamelis 3X every three hours when veins are affected.

Pulsatilla: 3X is recommended every eight hours after child delivery.

Carbo vegetabilis: When constipated and with poor circulation. In cases of ulcers of varicose veins.

Mercurius sol: if accompanied by infection, pus, and foul-smelling discharge.

Lachesis: Blue color in area mainly on left side.

Belladonna, 12x or 12c potency four times a day, is recommended for red, hot, swollen, and tender varicose veins.

Ferrum metallicum if your legs look pale but redden easily and walking slowly relieves the weak, achy feeling.

Arnica 30c

Aconite napellus 6c
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