Homeopathic Treatment
Magnetis australis is the best homeopathic ingredient that helps to prevent the ingrown toe nail formation by strengthening the nail.
Thuja is considered to be the best in case the toenails are found to be too brittle. These ingredients have to be taken once in twelve hours for a period of one month to see the results.
In case the toenails were found to be infected, taking belladonna is the best. In case the tissue around the toenail is found to be tender then think of hepar sulph.
Silicea can also be thought of in case the infection heals slowly.
All these homeopathic medications should be consumed once in every one hour up to ten times. It is advisable to consult the experienced homeopathic expert if there is no improvement noticed. For Ingrown toenail homeopathic treatment is the cheap and effective treatment.