Homeopathic Remedy for Swine Flu
Stomach symptoms; such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, may also occur but are more common in children than adults.

A possible homeopathic remedy for swine flu tummy upset: ginger, mint, chamomile, black tea for upset stomach, also the black raspberry and blackberry in juice form sipped or limited quantity (2-3 TBS or a half a shot glass) may help prevent vomiting and calm nausea.

Another possible homeopathic remedy for swine flu might be one of those remedies that include one of the following single remedies:

Aconite-Allium Cepa -
Eupatorium perfoliatum -
Gelsemium -
Oscillococcinum -
Arsenicum Album is suggested. Washington Homeopathic remedies have been found useful, but Borion is also a reputable company.

Onion, Garlic, and Echinacea, are a few plant-based treatments that could have success against viral agents.

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