Homeopathic Options
Aconitum napellus
This remedy can be helpful when a person feels extremely fearful or agitated after being injured. It may help to soothe anxiety and panic and reduce the chance of shock.
Arnica montana
This is the major remedy for new traumatic injuries-especially bruises, sprains, and concussions. Symptoms are worse from touch and motion. Arnica can be helpful for painful bruising and tissue-damage caused by surgery and dental work-given preventively before an anticipated injury, and used to treat the soreness afterward. It is also helpful in preventing shock.
Bellis perennis
This remedy is useful for injuries to the trunk and deeper tissues-as from falls, car accidents, surgery, etc. -especially if a feeling of stiffness or coldness develops in the injured area. If Arnica has been given for an injury-especially a strain or bruise-but has not had much effect, Bellis perennis may be helpful.
Calcarea phosphorica
This remedy is useful for bone bruises, old or slow-healing fractures, or any injury that leads to soreness in the bones, especially if the area feels cold or numb and improves with warmth. The muscles near the injury may ache or stiffen.
This is a very helpful remedy for cuts and scrapes or other injuries with broken skin. Potentized Calendula can be taken internally, to prevent or combat infection if a cut or scrape becomes inflamed. Herbal calendula can be applied directly to wounds as an ointment, lotion, or diluted tincture.
This remedy is indicated for injuries to body areas with many nerves, such as fingertips and toes, the genitals, the spine and tailbone, and the eyeballs. Shooting pains, a feeling of "jangled nerves," and pains mixed with tingling and numbness are strong indications. People with concussions, nerve pain after surgeries and root-canals, or bites and puncture wounds may benefit from Hypericum.
This remedy can be helpful as first aid if heavy bleeding occurs after an injury, with a feeling of nausea and weakness. (Emergency care is crucial when serious bleeding occurs; pressure should be applied to a severely bleeding wound, and medical help should be found immediately.)
Ledum palustre
This remedy is indicated for injuries that lead to puffy swelling, especially when ice-packs or cold applications bring relief. Sprained ankles or knees, bashed noses, black eyes, or any kind of bruising injury that is painful and very swollen may respond to Ledum.
Contusions or sprains that involve small broken blood-vessels and lead to bruiselike bleeding beneath the skin suggest the use of this remedy. It is often also useful for nosebleeds after injury, and for bleeding in other parts of the body (for instance, after childbirth or surgery).
When small wounds bleed easily, or a person has a tendency to bruise from minor injuries, this remedy can be helpful. It is also useful for nosebleeds.
Ruta graveolens
This remedy is helpful for injuries to tendons, joints, and muscles, and has a special affinity to the coverings of the bones (the periosteum). Bone-bruises, barked shins, or any injury that leads to stiffness and aching may respond. Ruta is often useful after Arnica for sprains, pulled muscles, and connective tissue injuries.
This remedy is best known for its healing effect on broken bones, and is also good for bone-bruises. It is valuable if blunt injury occurs to the eyeball (from a rock, a stick, a flying object, etc.) Any injury to the eye or eyeball should be examined by a doctor.
Homeopathy Dosage Directions
Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label.
Many homeopathic physicians suggest that remedies be used as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work. If improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient.
If no response is seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different remedy.