Home remedies for pink eye
Pink eye treatment can involve over-the-counter drops and ointments or natural home remedies. However, in all cases applying warm compresses to the affected eye several times a day generally help reduce the discomfort. Let’s see what all pink eye remedies are available:

a. Homeopathy:
Some homeopathic home remedies designed to treat conjunctivitis include Pulsatilla, Belladonna and eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis). Homeopathic eye drops and eye washes can be made from eyebright or chamomile ( Matricaria recutita).

b. Boric acid:
Boric acid eyewash may help relieve the discomfort associated with pink eye, as it cleans and soothes the infected eye. Even a warm compress applied to the affected eye can help relieve the discomfort.

c. Tea:
Damp tea bags placed on the eyes can ease the discomfort of allergic pink eye. For this boil the tea bags and let them cool before placing them on the infected eye. You can also simply make a little stronger tea and then use an eye cup to hold the lukewarm tea in each eye.

d. Calendula:
Calendula, an antiseptic perfect for irritation due to pollutants and allergies, is effective against itching and inflammation. It’s generally used as a local compress and eyewash.

e. Jasmine flowers:
Distilled water in which jasmine flowers had been soaked overnight used as eye drops will work like a charm for pink eye, especially for the eye having yellow discharge.

f. Honey:
Putting drops of honey mixed in warm water in the affected eye is an effective pink eye remedy. However, be prepared for a little burning discomfort.

g. Saltwater:
Cotton balls soaked in boiled saltwater when placed on the eyelids kill the infection.

h. Chamomile:
Cloth soaked in water, in which chamomile has been boiled, when placed over the affected eye will help clear the infection.

i. Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis):
Adding a few drops of eyebright tincture to boiled and cooled water and applying it to the infected eye through cotton balls is an effective way to cure pink eye.

Proper use of home remedies will help in getting rid of pink eye infection. However, always consult your physician when using these remedies.
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