Home Remedy for Rosacea - Natural Home remedies for Rosacea
Herbal home remedy for rosacea
Effective home remedy for rosacea using Potato mask - Make a thick paste with 1 tablespoon each of extracted potato juice and fuller's earth. Use as a deep cleansing and healing mask for spotty skins. This will completely remove rosacea.

Home Remedies for the treatment of rosacea using Sulphur Mask
1 teaspoon sulphur powder
2 tablespoons fuller's earth
1 beaten egg white
bottled water
Mix the ingredients together using enough bottled water to make a smooth paste. Although this is an efficient deep cleansing mask make an allergy test before using it because some skins may suffer an adverse reaction to sulphur. To do this spread a little of the mixture Over the skin on the inside of the elbow. Leave for a few minutes then rinse off and pat dry. Check the skin for any reaction. This will prevent rosacea.

How to get rid of rosacea - Getting rid of rosacea by using Tomato Paste Mask
4 good-sized tomatoes
finely ground oatmeal
1 teaspoon clear honey
Puree and sieve the tomatoes. Mix the ingredients to make a smooth paste and rub it gently over the skin, concentrating on the worst affected areas. Leave on the skin for 10 minutes then rinse off with warm water. This remedy is more of a preventative for it cleanses and clears blackheads and blocked pores like magic. This will help in curing rosacea.

Homemade recipes for rosacea
Natural home remedy for rosacea using Yoghurt and oatmeal - Mix natural yoghurt and fine oatmeal to a thick paste, apply and leave to dry. This paste can be used as a basic mask to which you can add herb, fruit and vegetable extracts to suit your skin type and problem. This will help in reducing rosacea.

Natural home remedy for rosacea
Herbal home remedy for rosacea using Plum mask - Mash 250g (8 oz) of boiled plums with 1 teaspoon of almond oil to make a thick paste. Many acne sufferers also have the double problem of a dry skin and this mask, used cautiously, may help to alleviate it. This is beneficial for the treatment for rosacea.

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