Home Remedy for Depression
One of the simplest and effective home remedy for treating depression is to add rose petals in a glass of boiling water. Add sugar to the drink and have it.

Mix 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg powder with 1 tablespoon of freshly extracted amla juice. Consume this mixture thrice a day.

Licorice tea also works well for depressed minds. Take 1-3 cups of tea per day to get rid of depression.

The plant, Griffonia simplicifolia, gives a substance 5HTP which is extracted from the seedpods of the plant. Intake of this would relieve a person from depression.

Another remedy for curing depression is to have an apple with milk and honey.

This might surprise you but a neutral immersion bath for about an hour would do wonders in curing a person off depression and uplift his/her mood.

Dry the root of asparagus and make a powder of it. Daily one or two grams of intake of this powder would heal a person's mind from depression.

Make a tea and add 1/4-teaspoon basil and 1/2 teaspoon of sage per cup of hot water. Consuming this mixture two times a day would be helpful in relieving a person from depression.

Boil a cup of hot water. Add powdered seeds of 2 green cardamoms and sugar. Drink this when warm. It would help in treating depression.

Diet is also an important concern for treating depression. Having a well balanced nutritional food is very essential. Eat a lot of nuts, cheese, apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, pumpkin seeds, carrot juice, apple juice, 5-6 plums, ruta leaves mixed with cumin.

In 1 cup of rice milk or soy milk, cook 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal. Add nuts, almonds, dried fruits, maple syrup or honey to it. this would be effective in curing depression.

Another method would be to stir a tsp of lavender leaves in a cup of boiling water. Have it when warm 3 times a day.

Yet another natural way to cure depressed mind is to soak feet in a tub with hot water with rosemary leaves, chlorine and some soap added to it. Do this for about 20 minutes and then rub your feet.
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