Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
Mutlivitamins Help Treat RLS:
Many studies suggest that Restless Leg Syndrome may be the result of a lack or iron, folate, magnesium and/or potassium. Therefore, taking one multivatamin each day can supply you with the essential vitamins and minerals that you need to help reduce or eliminate the symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome. Some people have even reported that bananas have helped since they are a good source of potassium. So, try eating a banana with breakfast each day.
Light Exercise Calms RLS:
Sometimes the best thing to do when you start experiencing resless leg symptoms is to give in to your legs' urges to move. Get up and walk around or try jumping on a mini trampoline for about ten minutes to relieve your RLS symptoms. Exercise changes the chemical balances in your brain and releases endorphins which may promote a more restful sleep and help with leg cramps associated with RLS.
Less Caffeine Helps with RLS:
Too much caffeine may also be a cause of Restless Leg Syndrome. Try giving up caffeine completely, or dramatically reducing your caffeine intake. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, sodas and even some over-the-counter medications.
Apply Heat to Soothe RLS:
For some people heating up the cramping area reduces or even eliminates the RLS symptoms. Try a microwavable heating pad that you can place under your calf area, or can wrap around your lower legs. Taking a warm bath before bed can be beneficial as well.
And when all else fails, you should see your doctor. There are actually prescription medications out now that can help relieve the symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome.
This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.