Home Remedies for Canker Sores
Speaking about the canker sores home remedies, there are a number of methods which you can follow at home. You will experience worsening of the pain in case you consume hot, salty, very sweet and/or spicy foods. Hence, it is advisable to refrain from such food items until the sores are cured completely. Following are some of the natural canker sore remedies that you can practice at home.

Hydrogen Peroxide: One of the best canker sore remedies is application of dilute hydrogen peroxide solution. Mix one part of hydrogen peroxide with one part of pure water and apply the solution over the sores by using a clean cotton swab. It hurts for a few seconds but will soothe the pain.

Aloe Vera: Cut an aloe vera leaf longitudinally and extract the sap. Make sure you do not touch the yellow portion. Apply this aloe vera sap on the canker sores several times a day to get relief from the pain and to fasten healing.

Honey: Usage of honey for treatment of canker sores has been followed since a long time. Apply honey over the sores 2-3 times daily by using a cotton swab, in order to combat pain.

Saltwater Rinse: Saltwater rinse is a widely used home remedy for curing canker sores. Add a teaspoon of table salt in one cupful of lukewarm water. Stir the mixture (until the salt dissolves) and rinse your mouth with this saltwater solution several times a day. This will prevent bacterial infection and treat the canker sores.

Salt and Sodium Bicarbonate Rinse: Add one teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of baking soda in a cupful of water. Rinse mouth with this solution 3-4 times a day. Doing so will fasten recovery of the canker sores. Another alternative is applying a paste of sodium carbonate over the affected area, which is prepared by mixing it with a few drops of water.

Milk of Magnesia: Another home remedy for canker sores is using milk of magnesia, which is a dilute solution of magnesium hydroxide. Using a cotton swab, apply milk of magnesia over the affected area. Following this home remedy 3-4 times daily will speed up healing of canker sores.

Non Prescription Antihistamine: Over the counter liquid antihistamine called diphenhydramine is used as an effective cure for canker sores. For mouth rinsing, mix equal amounts of diphenhydramine and milk of magnesia. Oral rinsing with this mixture 2-3 times a day will heal the canker sores within a few days.

This was, in brief, some information on the various canker sores home remedies. Consuming a well balanced diet that consists ample amounts of food rich in vitamin B, will help in quick healing of the canker sores. In order to prevent recurrent outbreaks of canker sores, you can include yogurt in the diet. If canker sores persist for more than two weeks, always consult a qualified physician.
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