Home Remedies For Nail Fungus
When just begun apply tea tree oil on the fungus.

2. Drip 1 drop of bleach on the fungus, keep applying even after it's gone.

3. Keep your feet dry and try to walk with sandals.

4. Put talc in your shoes before you wear them.

5. Apply lavender oil on the fungus.

6. Soak nails in warm salty water.

7. Put the nail in warm water, cut the nail as much as possible and apply bleach on the nail. Repeat twice a day.

8. Use a q-tip and apply oregano oil on the fungus. Do not apply on the skin; it might irritate your skin.

9. Pour warm water into a tub, add a few drops of lavender oil and apple cider vinegar; put you foot/ hand in for 15-20 minutes daily.

Home remedy for nail fungus:
Put baking soda powder in your socks for 2 weeks.

Natural treatment for nail fungus:
Put iodine on the fungus and bandage (make sure you are not allergic).

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