Home Remedies For Insomnia
Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by the inability to fall asleep, inability to remain asleep, waking up too early, and the inability of getting enough sleep.
Everyone experiences insomnia in their life, but if the insomnia is prolonged this implies that there is a problem that should be treated.
Home Remedies for Insomnia
How to Cure Insomnia with Natural Treatments
1. Drink a cup of warm milk before you go to sleep.
2. Rub your feet with aromatic body lotion for 20 minutes.
3. Dip your feet in a hot tub before bed time.
4. rink salvia tea before you go to bed.
5. Sip valerian tea.
6. Count sheep with closed eyes.
7. Have Sex to naturally treat insomnia.
8. Fill up your pillow cover with: peppermint, rosemary, rose leaves, levender and Lemon verbena. Sleep throughout the night.
9. Stir 1 teaspoon of lavender leaves to a cup of boiling water, cool and drink 3 times daily.
Insomnia treatment:
Meditate before you go to bed: Close your eyes, count your breaths till 10 and start again, breathe naturally.
Herbal remedy for insomnia:
Drink a cup of lemon verbena tea or chamomile tea.
More Home Remedies for Insomnia:
1. Grind: 5 carrots, spinach, 2 leaves of dandelion, 2 broccoli flowers and one beet. Eat sleep like a baby.
2. Put a lavender tree next to your bed.
Have a warm bath before you go to bed, this will make you more calm and will help you to get to sleep
3. Put some lavender oil in a burner or a bath.
4. To stop the snoring: Drink Eucalyptus tea or blanch before you go to bed.
5. Arise early and go to bed before nine. If you still can't sleep learn to relax by hypnotizing yourself.