Herbs for bronchitis
"Some authorities attach great value to lobelia as an expectorant in bronchitis. Where relaxation of the system is required, as, for instance, to subdue spasm, Lobelia is invaluable. Relaxation can be counteracted by the stimulating and tonic infusion of capsicum."M. Mrs. Grieve also recommended a lead plaster made with myrrh, camphor and balsam of Peru for respiratory illnesses such as chronic catarrh, phthisis pulmonalis, chlorosis. I would modernize this formula by substituting a carrier oil for the lead plaster and using these resins in a chest rub, with a few drops of an essential oils like eucalyptus that have a high camphor content.
Caraway contains mild antihistamines, antimicrobial compounds and muscle relaxants that can help ease spasms. A strong cup of coffee accelerates the heart, increases blood flow, and encourages breathing. Other substances in coffee including theobromine and theophylline, help expand lung passages and inhibit bronchospasms.
Elderflowers and berries also reduce bronchial and upper-respiratory catarrh and are used to treat hayfever. Elder makes a wonderful cordials, syrups and teas that are tasty and delicious infection fighters.
Present-day herbalists use the root of elecampane as a tonic for pulmonary complaints and for coughs. Elecampane is a safe home remedy for bronchitis and asthma The herb is a pretty good expectorant, assisting in breaking up bronchial congestion. This in part due to the phytochemical inulin. Inulin also aids in maintaining a good balance of intestinal bacteria. In herbal medicine it is chiefly used for coughs, consumption and other pulmonary complaints, being a favorite domestic remedy for bronchitis. It has been employed for many years with good results in chest affections, for which it is a valuable medicine, as it is in all chronic diseases of the lungs, asthma and bronchitis. It gives relief to the respiratory difficulties and assists expectoration.
Using Aromatherapy
In respiratory conditions thyme is antiseptic and a bronchodilator and expectorates mucus from the lungs. Thyme helps reduce fever by inducing sweat. Thyme essential oil is a good choice for aroma lamps, room disinfectant sprays, and massage oils. The pungent vapors of eucalyptus help break up phlegm and bronchial congestion. The active ingredient cineole is an antiseptic that helps fight coughing spasms, and kill bacteria.
Using Aromatherapy
In respiratory conditions thyme is antiseptic and a bronchodilator and expectorates mucus from the lungs. Thyme helps reduce fever by inducing sweat. Thyme essential oil is a good choice for aroma lamps, room disinfectant sprays, and massage oils. The pungent vapors of eucalyptus help break up phlegm and bronchial congestion. The active ingredient cineole is an antiseptic that helps fight coughing spasms, and kill bacteria.