Herbal Treatment for Burns
Apply neat Lavender essential oil directly on the burn injury. It helps immediately. (see above)
Put some fresh sap of Aloe vera leaf on the burned area or make yourself an Aloe Vera Burn Remedy.
60g (2oz) peeled, sliced aloe leaf
1000mg powdered vitamin C
800 IU vitamin E oil (open a capsule)
1 teaspoon lavender essential oil. Place all the ingredients into a clean blender and blend thoroughly. Store the mixture in a clean glass jar in the fridge, and apply it several times a day to your burn injury. This mixture will stay fresh for approximately two months in the fridge. (Vitamin C preserves the fresh aloe.)
Apply a compress soaked lukewarm St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) tea or put little St John's wort infused oil onto the skin burns. (Put 1 teaspoon of the dried herb into a cup of boiling water. Infuse for 5 minutes, then strain; the tea is ready.)
Use Marigold (Calendula officinalis) as a first aid for burns. Apply Calendula infused oil or Calendula ointment; or make a soothing Marigold compress.