Herbal Remedies for Bad Breath
Listerine and spearmint gum have not always been the mouth fresheners of choice. Before mouthwash and chewing gum were commonplace, many people used herbs to rid themselves of bad breath. Herbs are known for their pungent flavors and aromas, and people figured that these types of plants would disguise any bad odors in the mouth. They didn’t always know this, but herbs can also help to control oral bacteria, which leads to healthier teeth, gums and tissue.

In fact, some of the first mouthwashes to hit the market were created using herbal remedies and their compounds.

One of the most popular mouthwashes - Listerine - is a product that was used more than five hundred years ago as a cure for halitosis. Aside from the way that we know Listerine today, it is actually an herbal remedy for bad breath. Its main ingredients are menthol (from a mint plant); eucalyptol ( from eucalyptus trees); thymol (thyme), and methyl salicylate (wintergreen).

These are all herbs that we have found to work well for bad breath, though the scientific reasons couldn‘t have been known back then. Its antiseptic properties also help to clean the mouth, which helps to prevent bad breath from returning.

One of the other venerable herbal remedies for bad breath is clorophyll, which is the main ingredients in Clorets. Back in the 1950’s, Clorets were a popular breath mint product commercially generated for several years.

When green plants absorb light to turn it into energy (remember 6th grade science?), a tiny molecule called Chlorophyll is created. Scientists discovered in the mid-twentieth century that chlorophyll can also absorb bad odors rather effectively. Plants which have inordinantly large amounts of chlorophyll, such as parsley, vegetables and algae, make them the perfect solution to problems with bad breath.

Both Listerine and Clorets are produced from age-old herbal remedies and have been turned into commercial and well-branded products, without bothering to mention their herbal makeup. Some people, however, prefer to go straight to the source, and use herbal remedies to cure bad breath. This is, of course, much cheaper than purchasing $5.00 bottles of Listerine (no matter what the flavor) and can also be more effective by using the herbs in their pure forms to cure bad breath. Cloves, peppermint, and parsley are all popular and perfectly safe herbal remedies for bad breath.

Dill, sage, and cardamom are all popular choices to cure nasty odors on the breath, but it is important to research each plant fully before using on as a bad breath remedy. Many plants can be toxic if used in certain ways, and you should be careful before putting on directly into your mouth. It is also best to consult with an herbal expert before mixing plants to create different effects.

That said, however, it can be fun to experiment with different herbs to determine their effects on bad breath. Herbs are relatively inexpensive, and just a pinch of one will go along way because they are in their undiluted state, rather than in Listerine or other mouthwashes where they have been mixed with chemicals and diluted into a liquid.

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