Herbal Medicine for Yeast Infection
Several herbs have the ability to knock out excess fungus, bringing the levels back to a healthy normal. Others can be effective in strengthening the immune system.

The bark of the pau d'arco tree has achieved folk-remedy status as a treatment for fungal infections, including vaginal yeast infections and athlete's foot. Researchers have examined its infection-fighting powers and have pinpointed lapachol as being the bark's possible active ingredient. It can be taken in the form of capsules, extract, or tea.

Goldenseal is one of the most commonly used herbs for its immune-boosting properties, and it is also believed effective in stabilizing the overgrowth of fungus. It's often administered as a douche. (Women who are pregnant should not use this herb.)

The following herbs also offer promise in the treatment of yeast infection. They can be taken in the form of capsules, extracts, or teas, and some may be used in douches. They include:

echinacea (purple coneflower)
German chamomile
tea tree
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