Hemorrhoid Prevention
An ounce of hemorrhoid prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. This can arguably be a strong case for hemorrhoids as the things that seem to cause hemorrhoids are everyday habits we continue to practice without thought to the consequences.

While the exact cause of hemorhoids is still under scientific debate, it is generally thought that having regular bowel movements with diet and exercise is the most valuable preventative tool available.

Changing your diet and ensuring you have less strain and pressure during bowel movements as well as relieving your bowels as soon as the urge is upon you will greatly reduce the chance hemorhoids will increase and become even more of a problem. Having looser stool which are easier to pass will greatly increase your comfort and reduce the pain and irritation involved with internal and external hemorrhoids.

In fact, your diet is believed to be the single biggest factor in hemorrhoid prevention. An increased intake of fiber is necessary as a diet full of mostly processed foods can greatly increase the chance of hemorrhoids. The lack of fiber and roughage in your system will make passing stools harder.

The changing of your toilet habits can also help prevent hemorrhoid attacks. If at all possible, do not wait until 'nature calls' to visit the toilet as this means that your stool may be hard and dry making it more demanding on your muscles and tissue to pass.

A very significant part of hemorrhoid prevention is to reduce the amount of strain put on your anus. To minimize straining it is better for you to NOT sit on the toilet for long periods. Reading or smoking while you are trying to have a bowel movement is also a bad toilet habit. The result of wasting time with other activities is that the continued strain on the anus is increased past the healthier time of about 5 minutes on the toilet.

Another basic essential and proper toilet habit is to of course wash well after you have completed your business.

Sitting for too long of periods in an inactive life style can also add pressure to veins and the anal canal causing hemroids to swell and worsen. Of course some of us have occupations where being seated at all times in necessary, but there are a few things you can remember to prevent hemroids while at your job.

To avoid unwanted rectal pressure make a point to stand and walk around for 5 minutes at least once an hour.

Having an active lifestyle reduces the pressure on your veins and keep you from getting constipated. Get outside and exercise, the benefits are uncountable to both hemorrhoid prevention and a multitude of other beneficial side effects.

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