Headache/Migraine :Natural Treatment with Herbs
Headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, such as muscle tension or with common illnesses such as the flu.
Aromatherapy is therapeutic for headaches because of the duel actions of the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and the relaxing calming effect the oils have on the mind.
For sinus headaches, use a steam inhalation method to clear sinuses.
Many people are turning to herbs like butterbur to help relieve and prevent migraines. Butterbur,Petasites vulgarisisis used in Germany to treat migraines.
Trials have shown that an extract of the root can reduce symptoms and attacks by 40 per cent. Butterbur is thought to work by reducing spasms in muscle tissues, including blood vessels.
However, there are concerns about possible liver damage, so consult a herb-savvy health professional for any long term use. For the home herbal use, try non-invasive, and less toxic herbs first, good first choices would include rosemary, lavender and peppermint oils used in cool compresses.