Fiber diet for hemorrhoids
The main aim in hemorrhoid treatment and diet for hemorrhoids is to avoid any flare ups and to soothe the achy bottom.

The following diet tips mentioned below will help in the treatment of hemorrhoids along with the medications prescribed by your specialist.
Dietary fiber plays an important role in a hemorrhoids diet. Most of the cases of hemorrhoids can be dealt by increasing the fiber content in the diet.

Fiber present in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, cereals and its products cannot be digested by the digestive enzymes in the gut. As it passes the small intestines it absorbs more water and by the time it reaches the colon, it helps in the formation of a smooth, soft and bulky stool.

This avoids any strain on the rectum which is the major cause for hemorrhoids.

Food sources that are high in fiber include whole wheat, whole rye, rolled oats, unprocessed oatmeal, brown rice, legumes, beans, Brussels sprouts, carrots, corn, cabbage, green beans, lettuce, eggplant, apples, apricots, figs, raisins, oranges and prunes.

Avoid processed, refined foods, fatty and oily foods and refined carbohydrates in the form of sugary foods as far as possible because they not only lack fiber but also lack in other vital nutrients required for health.

Add fiber gradually in your diet and instead of bulking it in one meal try to divide the fiber rich food in the whole day. Remember to drink sufficient water when you increase fiber in your diet or else it may cause abdominal cramps, flatulence, bloating or belching. Water will also avoid formation of hard stools and prevent straining on the rectal muscles.
So make sure to drink at least 12 glasses of water throughout the day with other fluids.

Try to lose weight if you are above your ideal body weight, this way you can do a favor on your bottoms by reducing their stress. However avoid sudden weight loss with the help of fad diets. Make weight loss a healthy process by following a balanced diet along with increasing your physical activity.

Attend all your nature calls and avoid holding or delaying a defecation process. Keep your anal region dry and clean; however avoid using dry toilet paper which can further irritate the anal region. To ease the pain you can also soak your bottoms in warm water or have a sitz bath several times a day.

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