Eye-Opening Homeopathic Solutions
Below is a brief list of symptoms associated with remedies that commonly help with eye problems:
Apis–red, puffy eyelids; stinging or burning pains.
Calcarea fluorica–flickering or sparks before the eyes; inflammation of the eye surface or inner eyelids.
Calendula officinalis–swelling or tenderness from physical irritation, minor injury or overwork.
Cineraria maritima–dimmed vision due to overwork or minor injury.
Euphrasia officinalis–sensitivity to light; aching eyes; swollen lids; watery or thick discharge from the eyes that may cause a burning sensation, blurred vision or lids sticking together in the morning.
Kalium muriaticum–a sensation as if there is sand in the eye; light sensitivity; yellowish or green discharge; small ulcers or blisters on the eye surface.
Magnesia carbonica–black spots in front of the eyes; eyes that are too dry or too watery; inflammation with burning.
Silicea–swelling; tenderness; pain; watering; sensitivity to breezes or draughts; ulcerations of the edges of the lids.
And remember, when a homeopathic remedy relieves the discomfort, it is also helping your body to heal.