Diet Recommendations for Dry Skin
You can follow the the following recommendations for your dry skin.

1.Always have a balanced diet with lots of cereals, fruits, vegetables and nuts which are rich in protein, carbohydrate, and fat.

2.Raw food can be taken instead of cooked food.Try to increase the intake of raw foods and try to include yellow and orange vegetables more to your daily intake which are rich in beta-carotene, an oxidant.

3.Drink as many cups of water as possible to keep your skin well-hydrated.

4. Consume foods having sulfur such as garlic,onion and eggs. These items will keep your skin smooth and healthy.

5.Take cold-pressed flax seed oil for salad,baked vegetables or other dishes that do not require heating to high temperature.This type of food is most suitable for keeping your skin moist.It contains Omega-3 fatty acid which keeps your skin healthy.

6. You should not eat foods which are silent killers-fried foods,animal fats and heat-processed vegetable oils.

7. You have to totally avoid alcohol and smoking. Drinking and smoking are very bad habits that will kill you ultimately and your skin also will be affected most.

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