Dandruff Causes
The exact cause of dandruff is unknown. Possible causes and associations include increased oil production, oily skin, increased skin secretions, and increased numbers of normal skin yeasts.

Bacteria have not been found to cause dandruff. Dandruff is not a fungal infection and is not the same as scalp "ringworm," which is actually a fungal infection called tinea capitis. Dandruff is not contagious.

Dandruff may also be triggered or made worse by poor hygiene and infrequent shampooing and washing. The immune system may also play a part in dandruff. Although mild dandruff is a very common condition in many people with a normal immune system, severe dandruff is generally more common in people with chronic illnesses such as Parkinson' s disease or a compromised immune system as in advanced HIV/AIDS.

Common triggers (factors that may worsen) of dandruff include the following:

Increased oil production

Oily skin

Oily scalp


Poor hygiene

Weather (hot and humid or cold and dry)

Infrequent washing or shampooing

Concurrent yeast or fungal skin infections or overgrowths

Poor immune system

Chronic illness

Emotional or mental stress

Risk factors for dandruff include the following:

People with extreme or severe cases of dandruff usually also have other chronic health conditions

Dandruff probably has a small hereditary component making it more common to run in families.
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