Common Homeopathic Treatments for Shingles
While homeopathy is an exacting science, there are some treatments that are more common than others. Using your list, find the symptoms that come the closest to yours. It should be apparent fairly quickly that you have chosen the correct homeopathic treatment for shingles.

All remedies given are assumed at 12x potency.

Shingles blisters.Large blisters
Burning and stinging pain
Cold relieves the pain
Worse in the afternoon
Fever with no thirst
Unusually high fever
Patient is awkward, drops things
Patient feels better in the open air
Better when uncovered
Worse from Touch
Worse from heat

Ars Alb
Blisters join together
Intense pain, relieved by warmth
Restless, worse after midnight
Unreasonable fear of death
Slightest exertion exhausts them
Pain is burning

Small, very itchy blisters
Blisters dry quickly and form thick scabs
Pain continues after blisters have healed
Patient is chilly
Pain is worse in cold air
Pain is worse above the eye and between the ribs
Patient is elderly
Scabs are brownish

Ranunc Bulb
This is the most used homeopathic treatment for shingles. If you cannot decide between this and another remedy, try this one first.

With severe neuralgic pain, especially affecting the chest wall
Clusters of blisters
Worse with movement
Burning and itching pain
Tender to touch
Worse during wet weather and storms
Worse in the evening
Worse with eating
Rash is mainly on the trunk of the body
Blisters are bluish

Rhus Tox
Small blisters that itch and tingle
Surrounding skin appears to be swollen
Local warm compresses help the pain
Worse at night
Even the smallest fever may lead to delirium
Odd dreams
Better in warm, dry weather
Better with rubbing
Better while moving around
Worse during sleep or rest
Worse with overheating
Worse with lying on the back or the right side
If you are still unsure there is a checklist on ABC Homeopathy that may prove helpful.

Homeopathic Dosage and Tips
You cannot overdose on homeopathic remedies and they will not react with any other medication you may be taking. It is fine to take your remedy along with what the doctor has prescribed if you want to do so. It is important, however, to take the medications in a clean mouth. That means that you have not had food water, nor brushed your teeth for at least thirty minutes prior to taking the remedy. Maintain a clean mouth for thirty minutes after as well.

While you are on the treatment stay away from caffeine and mint, including mint flavored toothpaste. These can interfere with the remedy.

No matter what the remedy, common recommendations are as follows:

Take the selected remedy four times a day until the blisters begin to dry and crust over.

Remedies are to be dissolved under the tongue unless otherwise directed.
If you are taking Mezerium for pain and the blisters dry but the pain continues keep taking it in four doses (per day) until you have improvement that is maintained for a day or so.

Tip tablets into the mouth straight from the bottle. Do not touch them.
Never put a tablet that has been accidentally removed from the container back into it. Just throw it away.

Proper Use of Remedies
Proper use of homeopathic treatments for shingles can bring positive results in a very short period of time. If your symptoms do not respond to the remedy that you have chosen, then go over your symptoms again and try the remedy that seems to list most of your symptoms.

As always, if your symptoms worsen, or if you do not get relief, talk to your health care provider.
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