If antibiotics and/or the below-listed home remedies are not curing your sinus infection, you need to take a look at your diet and eliminate all mucus-forming/thickening foods or drinks. Milk, citrus, spicy foods, wheat, cheese, etc. are usually the culprits. Try eliminating them from your diet for a few days.

Then try all of the following:

* Grapefruit Seed Extract -- your sinus infection may disappear after a couple of days of grapefruit seed extract. We like the drops, but be forewarned -- they taste terrible!! Also, never take them on an empty stomach (especially first thing in the morning).

* Potassium supplements -- dries up mucous.

* Drink apple cider vinegar throughout the day in large glasses of water (ACV thins mucus).

* Let a hot shower run onto your face (forehead and nose) and then clear all the mucus from your sinuses. Do this several times a day.

* Try Oil Pulling, a fabulous remedy from India which alleviates Sinus Congestion within about 10-15 minutes.

You should see improvement within a day or two.
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