Bloating/Gas:Herbal Home cures
Bitter herbs speed digestion
Bitters : Bitter herbs are unrivaled stomach tonics. They improve the appetite, promoting digestive juices, peristalsis and the flow of bile.
Angelica's concentration of bitters make it an excellent digestive aid especially in cases of nervous stomach and tension-related digestive disorders. Gentian is also useful for gastro-intestinal inflammation.
2 Gentian root's bitterness increases gastric secretions,promotes digestion, and calms an upset stomach.
Centuary is an extremely bitter herb, and a very useful one. The use of centuary is ancient, and its use is mentioned in Greek mythology. A half cup of centuary tea before meals can be taken to improve digestion and prevent heartburn, gas and bloating.
The bitter principles in chamomile stimulate the gastric juices, making it excellent for the liver and digestive system. It calms nausea, and relieves gas especially in cases of nervous excitability.
Boldo is a South American remedy for indigestion. Drink this bitter tea before meals improve digestion and prevent heartburn, gas and bloating.
The Artemisias :
Mugwort is a bitter tonic that stimulates digestion and relieves gas and is more palatable than the closely related wormwood.
Artemisia dracunculus, better known as tarragon has an aromatic property reminiscent of anise which adds mouth watering flavor to any dish, as well as acting as a digestive aid. To get the full value of tarragon, use the fresh herb, as it loses much flavor and potency in the drying process.
Hop extracts relax smooth muscle, especially that of the digestive tract. Hops are therefore used in combination with other herbs to treat such disorders as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and nervous stomach. In cold infusion of horehound is a bitter tonic to the digestive system. Scientific evidence also shows that, as marrubiin breaks down in the body, it strongly stimulates bile production.3
Hot Peppers :
Cayenne fights internal bacteria, relieves gas, and accentuates the action of digestive enzymes.
Black pepper can of course be added as a seasoning to foods, and also a pinch of black pepper in herbal teas also aids in digestion, as does an abominal massage with black pepper essential oil.
Culinary Herbs:
Fennel, dill and corriander, (cilantro) and parsley are not only mouth watering herbs that enhance the flavor of foods, but also are powerful digestive aids. Dill is especially good at relieving gas pains in children, and "dill water" is an old fashioned remedy for colic in infants. Fennel is especially useful to relieve abdominal cramps, gas and bloating. One of the best digestive aids, the seeds can be used in cooking, or made into a tasty licorice tea.
Parsley herb is well known for helping to expel gas, aid digestion, and freshen breath, simply chew on a sprig after meals. Watercress, another herb thought of mainly as food, has stimulating qualities and the minerals it contains make watercress important nutritionally, useful in convalescence and general debility. It invigorates the digestion and is diuretic, and lowers blood sugar.
Caraway cuts down on intestinal gas -the seeds have been considered good digestive aids since ancient Egyptian times.2
Mint Tonic
The Mints: Members of the Labiatae, or mint family including peppermint, spearmint, sage, basil and catnip all have carminative properties, that is they ease gas and bloating and improve digestion. Spearmint relieves gas and tummy troubles, much like peppermint, but its effects are less powerful, making it better suited for use in children. Sage is a classic culinary herb and has a long tradition of healing and treating digestive ills and aiding in digestion.
Digestive Enzymes : The bromelain extracted from pineapple stems can effectively improve the digestion of proteins and other foods. It assists the body by enhancing the assimilation of herbs, vitamins and other nutrients. Bromelain is primarily taken as an extract in capsule form, as there are only trace amounts available in the edible parts of the pineapple fruit. There are some doubts about the bioavailablity of bromelain, and herbalist James Duke has some reservations about it's efficaciousness.2 The papaya fruit is also valued for its proteolytic enzymes that help digest proteins.2
Chamomile flowers
Aromatherapy Oils : To aid digestion, and relieve colic and gas, a blend of bergamot oil can be used to massage the abdomen. Clary Sage oil's antispasmodic properties relieve gas and cramping. Jasmine warms and strengthens a cold, weak stomach. Other essential oils that decrease gas and bloating and improve digestion are fennel, angelica, anise,dill, all of the mints and jasmine.