Bedsores - Herbal remedies
A poultice can be made of equal parts of powdered slippery elm , Ulmus fulva; marsh mallow root, Althaea officinalis; and Echinacea spp. The herbs should be blended together with a small amount of hot water and applied to the skin three or four times per day to relieve inflammation. Poultices used on broken skin or infected areas should never be reused.
An infection-fighting rinse can be made by diluting two drops of essential tea tree oil , Melaleuca spp., in eight ounces of water. This should be used to bathe the wound when bandages are changed.
An herbal tea made from Calendula officinalis can be used as an antiseptic wash and a wound healing agent. Calendula cream can also be applied to the affected area.
A poultice made from goldenseal, Hydrastis canadensis, and water or goldenseal ointment can be applied to areas of inflammation several times per day to heal the skin and prevent infection